June 24, 2020 | By: Craig Fryman
Summer weed control can be a challenging, but often necessary task. Important factors to consider, include proper understanding of product labels and environmental implications, i.e. not-target effects. As soil temperatures reach a certain range in degree, above 65 degrees, turfgrass root growth starts to become less active. As air temperatures reach 75 degrees and over,… ( read more )
June 24, 2020 | By: Craig Fryman
Turf hydration, hydration, hydration. As the summer months approach, we know that our turf is going to need a drink or two to survive. In general, a rule of thumb is that most turfgrasses require approximately one inch of water per week – whether from rainfall or irrigation, to sustain growth during warmer conditions. Water… ( read more )
June 12, 2020 | By: Gary Snyder
It might seem that insects choose to annoy us during the summer months. The truth is insects are ectothermic, or “cold-blooded” creatures, meaning that their body temperature depends on their external environment. So, when the summer temperatures ramp up, so does the insect activity. It’s up to you to figure out how to manage these… ( read more )
June 12, 2020 | By: Dax Gruber
When summer approaches, it’s time for you to be thinking of “insurance plans” for your properties against the infamous White Grub. Were you one of the many last year that had damage? Maybe you were one of the unfortunate ones that had Grub damage even after doing a treatment. How do we approach the issue… ( read more )
June 4, 2020 | By: Doug Swope
Ticks and Fleas – if you have pets these are the two most problematic pests you and your animals will be up against during spring, summer, and fall. Ticks are found in a wide variety of habitats that are suitable for birds, large and small mammals such as mice, deer, squirrel, coyotes, and livestock. All… ( read more )