Appear IISystemic fungicide that utilizes Potassium Phosphite to control important turf diseases including Pythium & Anthracnose, while enhancing color, turf quality & stress tolerance.
Banner Maxx IISystemic fungicide that provides effective broad spectrum disease control of more than 20 diseases at low-use rates in both turf & ornamentals. It enters through the surface stem or root system & prevents fungal cell growth by inhibiting sterrol biosynthesis.
Chlorothalonil 720Economical, cost-effective, broad-spectrum disease control for cool and warm season grasses, trees, shrubs and flowers. Labeled for use on cool and warm season grasses and on all labeled ornamentals. Not labeled for residential turf use.
Chlorothalonil DF 82.5Broad spectrum Turf & Ornamental fungicide. Features preventative disease protection with multi-site activity which means no resistance with repeated use. Labeled for use on cool & warm-season grasses and on all ornamentals. Not labeled for residential turf use.
Chlorothalonil ETQBroad spectrum contact fungicide with a multi-site mode of action that interrupts the metabolic activity of fungal pathogens & prevents resistance issues. Natural adhesion to leaf blade eliminates need for surfactants. Labeled for ornamentals; not labeled for residential turf use.
Clearscape ETQContains tebuconazole, a versatile DMI fungicide that provides rapid plant uptake, preventative & curative control & low use rates. Controls Anthracnose, Dollar Spot, Brown Patch, Pink & Gray Snow Mold, Gray Leaf Spot & other diseases. Benefits of ETQ include protecting turf from UVA & UVB rays, heat & other environmental stress factors, optimizing turf color, strength, density, consistency & season-long protection. Not labeled for residential turf use.
Concert llA combination of systemic and contact fungicides for use in outdoor ornamental production and landscapes. It provides excellent prevention and control of powdery mildew, flower and conifer blights, leaf spots and rust diseases.
Eagle 20EWSpecialty fungicide that migrates upward through plant tissue, translocating to new growth, providing continuous protection as new foliage appears for up to 28 days after an application. Labeled for use on more than 100 ornamental plants found in nurseries, greenhouses & landscapes. Works systemically to control more than 15 turf diseases on established turf, so you can cure problems & prevent recurrence.
EmeraldUnprecedented dollar spot control in virtually every major turf species. Controls dollar spot for up to 28 days with a single application. Delivers better dollar spot control in bentgrass than other fungicides. Low use rates & provides residual control. This systemic fungicide has shown excellent activity against pathogens of various fungal classes including dollar spot on turfgrasses. This fungicide has strong activity against Bentgrass dead spot. Golf course use only.
EnclaveBroad-spectrum fungicide for turfgrass and ornamentals. Delivers effective, long-lasting protection from anthracnose, brown patch, dollar spot, snow mold and broad range of ornamental diseases.
Fosetyl-AL 80 WDGSystemic mode of action provides long-lasting, broad spectrum preventative control of diseases such as Pythium & Phytophthora in turf, ornamentals & bedding plants. True up-and-down systemic action for effective, preventative turf/plant disease control. Stimulates defense mechanisms, enhancing plant vigor.
Fungi-PhiteThe most economical way to control Downy Mildew, Phythophthora, Pythium & various other diseases in outdoor ornamentals, turf & commercial landscapes.
HeadwayBroad-spectrum disease control on turf, including spring dead spot, take-all root rot, take-all patch, summer patch, leaf spot and fairy ring. Combines two systemic active ingredients with different modes of action, providing an excellent rotation product in agronomic programs to help delay resistance.
Headway GGreat for small areas and lawns. Features the DG-Lite carrier, controls more than 20 turf diseases. It has been tested & proved effective against Dollar Spot, Brown Patch, Anthracnose, Pythium, Gray Leaf Spot, Snow Mold, Take-All Patch, Leaf Spot, Summer Patch, Necrotic Ring Spot & more.
HeritageBroad spectrum systemic fungicide. Controls Brown Patch, Pythim, Take-All-Patch, Summer Patch, Anthracnose & Snow Mold.
Heritage ActionOffers hybrid technology that couples the proven disease control of Heritage fungicide with a boost of Acibenzolar-s-methyl (ASM) for enhanced biotic & abiotic stress management. Contains two active ingredients that work together to control disease while protecting turf from abiotic stress like heat & drought. Moves systemically throughout the plant & stimulates the production of five plant proteins that help turf combat disease & stress.
Heritage TLOffers the same broad spectrum, lasting control of the original granular formulation of Heritage, but with enhanced efficacy & application flexibility. Product highlights include: fast uptake into the leaf, control of the toughest turf diseases & longest application interval of all strobilurin fungicides. Provides up to 28 days of preventative control for more than 25 diseases on turfgrass.
Insignia Intrinsic SCControls an exceptionally broad spectrum of turf diseases with long-term results. Has shown excellent residual control on many turf diseases, helping to reduce your labor costs & enhancing peace of mind. Controls key turf diseases for up to 28 days.
InstrataCombines active ingredients in a proprietary formulation. The combination of these active ingredients, with their multiple modes of action, enables Instrata to control numerous pathogens that cause snow mold and many other seasonal diseases.
Ipro 2Use for control of spring, summer, fall & winter diseases on non-residential turf located on golf courses, sod farms & institutional areas where fine turf is grown & on non-residential ornamental flowers & foliage plants grown in field & landscape nurseries or greenhouses & in conifer nurseries. Controls Fusarium Blight, Brown Patch, Dollar Spot, Gray SNow Mold, Leaf Spots, Necrotic Ring Spot, Alternaria Leaf Blight, Botrytis Storage Rot & other listed dieases.
Kabuto SCProven to provide excellent control of Spring dead spot, as well as preventative & curative control of dollar-spot, including control of carboxamide-resistant dollar spot. It inhibts all stages of development in the fungal lifecycle & can be applied up to eight times per year with no resistance issues.
LexiconControls the toughest turfgrass diseases, including Brown Patch, Dollar Spot, Fairy Ring, Pythium Root Dysfunction, Snow Mold, Summer Patch & 22 other diseases. Combines a next generation carboxamide with enhanced systemic properties for continous disease protection, with the proven power of Insignia Intrinsic brand fungicide.
Manzate Pro-Stick T&OBroad spectrum protectant fungicide which provides control of most common turf & ornamental dieases. Provides multi-site control, preventing pathogenic organisms from adapting & mutating. Extended residual activity.
Medallion SCIt's naturally occuring A.I. explodes fungal spores on the leaf, in the thatch & beneath the soil surface. The suspension concentrate formulation delivers the same reliable, broad-spectrum control of several key turf diseases including Snow Mold, Anthracnose & Bentgrass Deadspot. Unique MOA affects plasma membranes & amino acid uptake, protecting plants from disease before they can start.
Mefenoxam 2AQA water based, low odor fungicide formulation featuring a systemic mode of action & translocation throughout the plant. Provides up to 3 weeks of protection & works especially well on pythium diseases.
Myclobutanil 20 EW T&OSystemic, preventative & curative fungicide for the control of many diseases in established turf (including but not limited to residential & commercial lawns, turf, golf course fairways, greens & roughs), landscaped ornamentals & nursery/greenhouse ornamentals.
Pillar GCombination of pyraclostrobin & triticonazole on a granular carrier. Delivers disease control of Dollar Spot, Anthracnose, Patch Diseases, Snow Molds & Leaf Spots. Formulated on a clay granule that provides excellent spreading characteristics due to it'sdensity & particle size.
PinpointFormulated with a new fungicide active ingredient designed for outstanding dollar spot control. Pinpoint provides superintendents & other turf management professionals with an excellent fungicide program rotation partner to help manage & mitigate dollar spot resistance from SDHI, DMI, benzimidazole & dicarboximide fungicides.
PosterityNext-generation SDHI engineered for power & endurance. Holds strong even under high pressure. Binds strongly to complex II enzymes in target pathogens for increased fungicide performance. Designed to remain in the plant longer for consistent control. Has increased affinity for the waxy layer of the turfgrass plant, providing rainfastness for enhanced performance. For golf use only.
Prophesy 0.72GSystemic granular fungicide for the control of Dollar Spot, Anthracnose, Brown Patch, Gray Leaf Spot & other diseases effecting turf.
Propiconazole 14.3Economical broad spectrum disease control for cool & warm season grasses, trees, shrubs & flowers. Microemulsion formulation for less odor, better tank stability & excellent plant coverage.
ProplantPrevents & cures many Pythium diseases, including Damping-Off, Cottony Blight, Grease Spot & Root Rot. Highly systemic for quick absorption & translocation. Can be applied following germination or to established turf.
SegwayControls Pythium Blight, Pythium damping-off & Pythium root dysfunction in turf. Not labeled for residential turf use.
SPOTRETEFor the prevention & control of Dollar Spot, Brown Patch, Pink & Gray Snow Mold, Rust, Leaf Spot, Red Thread, Copper Spot & Melting Out.
Subdue GRControls Pythium Blight & Pythium Damping-Off in turf. Also provides contol of Yellow Tuft (Downy Mildew) in bluegrass.
Subdue MaxxA systemic fungicide for the control of Pythium, Pythium Damping-Off & Yellow Tuft in turf. Subdue Maxx is an encapsulated formulation of the original Subdue 2E. Subdue Maxx is not an EC formulation, making it safer to spray during high summer temperatures & has no odor.
T-Bird 4.5LWorks effectively on cool & warm season grasses without risk of phytotoxicity in many application areas, such as golf courses & athletic fields. T-Bird 4.5L is also a valuable component of disease management programs for nursery & greenhouse use, providing superior protection in both foliar spray & drench applications.
Tebuconazole 3.6FExcellent preventative & curative control on a broad spectrum of disease pathogens. Rapid uptake in turf provides up to 3 weeks of residual disease control for golf course turf & ornamentals. Preventative & curative control with long-lasting residual. Not labeled for residential use.
Tee-OffContains the proven active ingredient thiophanate-methyl. Delivers broad spectrum control in both turf & ornamentals. Controls Anthracnose, Summer Patch. Gray Leaf Spot, Brown Patch & other diseases in cool & warm season turfgrasses. Controls Ornamental diseases, including leaf spots & tip blights.
TEKKENOffers golf course superintendents dependable control of 21 of the most problematic diseases in turf, including Dollar Spot, Brown Patch & Anthracnose. Tekken uses two active ingredients to provide two different modes of action, helping manage resistance & deliver broad spectrum control for up to 28 days. Increases turf quality while reducing phytotoxicity & thinning of Creeping Bentgrass that can come with stand-alone DMI applications.
TourneyA broad spectrum systemic fungicide that controls Dollar Spot, Anthracnose, Brown Patch & many others.
TrinityDelivers unbeatable value for controlling a broad spectrum of diseases, even during the summer stress period. Controls a broad spectrum of diseases including Anthracnose, Brown Patch, Summer Patch & Dollar Spot. Can be used whenever you need it, even during summer stress periods that limit other SI (DMI) fungicides.
Trinity TRUnique time release formula. Delivers unbeatable value for controlling a broad spectrum of diseases, even during the summer stress period. Controls a broad spectrum of diseases including Anthracnose, Brown Patch, Summer Patch & Dollar Spot. Can be used whenever you need it, even during summer stress periods that limit other SI (DMI) fungicides.
UnionSuperior Pythium control plus broad-spectrum disease protection. Combines two powerful active ingredients to deliver exceptional performance in a single fungicide. Azoxystrobin controls 21 of the most common diseases, including brown patch & anthracnose. Cyazofamid offers unbeatable defense against Pythium blight, damping off, root dysfunction & root rot. Listed for use on all turfgrass species.
VelistaBroad spectrum SDHI for use on turf. Use in spring, summer or fall to clean up your greens, tees, fairways, collars & roughs. When used in rotation with Briskway fungicide, Velista delivers excellent control of summer stress diseases on greens when temperatures shift from warm to hot. Controls Anthracnose, Summer Patch, Brown Ring Patch, Spring Dead Spot, Fairy Ring, Leaf & Sheath Spot & Rapid Blight.
XzemplarLeading Dollar Spot protection on fairways, tees & greens. Combines fast-stopping power of a contact fungicide with long-lasting prevenetative action, all while utilizing low rates for Dollar Spot control. Powered by the next generation carboxamide with enhanced systemic properties. Curative support of disease pressure through quick-acting properties.