AceleprynSyngenta product, season-long control of every key turf-damaging white grub species. Also controls billbug, annual bluegrass weevil, black cutworms, sod webworms & fall armyworms.
AkariAkari miticide's unique "stop-feeding action" not only stops further damage to your ornamental plants but also halts the laying of eggs. Active on all life stages, especially effective on the plant damaging larvae, nymph & adult stages, provides residual action of 21-28 days.
Aloft LCWith preventative & curative control, one application combats insect pests fast. Prevent troublesome turfgrass insects & surface-feeders - including white grubs - with a single early treatment or knock down existing pests with flexible application options.
Arena 50 WDGBroad spectrum insecticide, for control of a wide spectrum of insects infesting turfgrass. Optimum control will be achieved when applications are made prior to egg hatch of target pests, followed by sufficient irrigation or rainfall to move the active ingredient through the thatch.
AvidA miticide & insecticide that controls leafminers, mites & suppresses whiteflies, thrips & aAphids on ornamentals. Mix with sufficient water & apply to obtain uniform coverage.
AzaSolArborjet's water soluable powdered insecticide for ornamentals. Provides an exceptionally potent, non-oil based & environmentally friendly insect control solution for trees, shrubs, turf, garden, vegetables, fruit trees & herbs. Can be used as a spray, soil drench, tree injection or through chemigation.
Banter 4SCOrnamental miticide that provides quick knockdown & long-lasting residual control of plant damaging mites including the two-spotted spider mite, pacific spider mite, willamette spider mite, brown almond mite plus others in the tetranychus species. Residual activity of 21-28 days. Controls mites at all stages.
BIFENTHRIN – Golf & Nursery 7.9FControls numerous insects & mites on trees, shrubs, foliage plants, non-bearing fruit & nut trees & flowers in greenhouses. Use as a preventative treatment for larval control for pests such as: white grubs, black vine weevil & japanese beetles. Resticted use product for commercial non-food use insect control on Indoor & outdoor ornamentals, greenhouses, nurseries, turf on golf courses & sod farms.
BIFENTHRIN I/T 7.9FFlowable bifenthrin is a sure-fire control of the toughest pest problems, including: termites, carpenter ants & all species of lawn ants. Labeled for use in & around homes, commercial & industrial buildings, recreational areas, athletic fields, lawns & ornamentals.
D-Fense DustReady to use insecticide in dust form provides great control for bees, ants, cockroaches & termites. Provides effective knockdown & residual control up to 8 months.
D-Fense SCProvides control of listed insects in & around residential & commercial buildings, including food handling areas, as well as on turf & landscape ornamental plants. Controls ants, bed bugs, cockroaches, fleas, flies, silverfish, spiders & many others. Safe for use on paints, plastics, fabrics & other surfaces.
Eco-MiteArborjet's botanical contact miticide & insecticide, derived from plant oils & extracts. Kills & prevents common garden pests. Safe for flowers & vegetation. Non-toxic to people & pets. Fast acting, for indoor or outdoor use.
IMA-jet 10ArborJet's IMA-jet formulation you've come to trust, now with 10% Imidacloporid. Allows you to inject half the formulation, saving time & labor costs. Micro-injectable insecticide that effectively treats: spotted lanternfly, adelgids, aphids, leaf beetles, borers, lacebugs, leafhoppers, leaf miners, mealybugs, psyllids, scale insects & whiteflies.
IMIDACLOPRID 2FFor systemic control of soil inhabiting pests in turfgrass & ornamentals; featuring low use rates, application flexibility & great value. Provides excellent systemic control & long-lasting residual. Flowable formulation is easy to measure & mix.
Mallet 75Imidacloporid grub control WSP packs, fast knock-down, broad-spectrum control & long lasting grub & insect control with preventative & curative properties.
MeridianSyngenta insecticide for control of african black beetle, argentinian scarab & billbug in turf.
MeritSystemic insect control in turfgrass & landscape ornamentals. Controls japanese beetles, may & june beetles, billbugs, black ataenius, mole crickets & many more. Has sufficient residual activity so that applications can be made preceding egg laying activity.
Minx IIQuick control & easy on ornamentals. Provides contact & systemic control of mites & leafminers. Delivers suppression of aphids, whiteflies & thrips.
OnyxQuick treatment for reliable, long-term protection against beetles & borers. To ensure your trees are protected, it is recommended to apply Onyx insecticide one to two months prior to expected adult beetle flight. Using a hydraulic sprayer, spray the tree as directed on the label for consistent, dependable control of these target pests.
Safari 20 SGSystemic ornamental insecticide with quick uptake & knockdown. Controls a broad spectrum of ferocious & invasive pests including emerald ash borer, whitefly, hemlock woolly adelgid, mealybug, mountain pine beetle, leafminer, fungus gnat, black vine weevil, glassy-winged sharpshooter, armored & soft scale plus lacebug.
Sevin SLOne of the broadest ranges of pest control insecticides developed in the industry. No resistance problems for any of the labeled ornamental, tree & turf pests. Quick knockdown and substantial residual. Active ingredient is Carbaryl; which is designed to bloom in the spray tank & provide uniform, superior spray deliver & spread on all kinds of leaf surfaces
SultanControls all life stages of Tetranychid mites (spider mites) - eggs, nymphs & adults - in ornamentals grown in greenhouses, nurseries, landscapes, interiorscapes & more. Tests have shown that Sultan miticide is also highly effective against mites that have developed resistance to other acarides, showing no indication of cross-resistance problems.
Talstar Pro LCFlowable bifenthrin achieves long-lasting control of over 75 pests. Flexible label, it's approved in multiple use-sites, so you can use it almost anywhere: indoors & out, industrial, commercial, food-handling areas & ornamentals. Water-based so it's non irritating & contains no odorous or plant-damaging solvents. Leaves no unsightly residues & causes no phytotoxity.
TandemBroad pest spectrum provides "cupboard to curb" control of more than 90 insects with a single product. Application flexibility allows Tandem to be used indoors for residential & commercial areas & outdoors for perimeter or spot treatment for general pests & full yard treatments for turf pests. Labeled for use on ornamentals as well.
TREE-age G4ArborJet's non-restricted use formulation of Tree-age. Works with all Arborjet equipment. Provides control of emerald ash borer, pine bark beetles, leaf chewing caterpillars, mites & more.
Tree-age R10ArborJet's latest in the Tree-age lineup. Injects into trees three times faster with half the dosage compared to generic brands & significantly reduces tree pest damage. Provides two-year control of listed pests including emerald ash borer, pine bark beetle, gypsy moth & more. Works with all Arborjet equipmment, for use by commercially licensed applicators only.
TriTekSpray oil emulsion that acts as an insecticide, miticide & fungicide. Provides effective pest & disease control in a broad range of crops & ornamentals without causing burn or stress to plants. TriTek has one of the lowest toxicity levels of any pesticide on the market. It is considered organic & is OMRI listed.
UP-Star GoldControls insect pests on ornamentals & lawns in landscaped areas, including sod farms & athletic fields. Insects controlled includes bagworms, leaf beetles, webworms, moth larvae, lace bugs, caterpillars, adelgids, aphids, scales (crawlers), leafhoppers, leaf rollers, mealybugs, psyllids, plant bugs, spider mites, thrips, spittlebugs, tip moths, treehoppers, weevils, whiteflies & pine shoot beetles.
ZylamProvides control of a broad spectrum of chewing & sucking insects including armored scale, aphids, borers, thrips, lacebugs, mealybugs & caterpillars. Used as a foliar, soil drenching or barkbanding application, Zylam translocates quickly through the vascular plant tissues working its way to the plant's extremities.
Zyrox Fly BaitProvides effective control of house flies. Novel active ingredient, cyantraniliprole, helps manage fly populations that are resistant to other chemistries. Attractive bait matrix doesn't require a pheromone to lure flies in.