Golf – Gearing up for Spring

February 9, 2021 | By: Scott Robinson & Craig Fryman

Ready, get set, go! Spring is right around the corner. It’s about time to start waking up the golf course for the 2021 season. Pre-emergent herbicides, fertilization, poa annua seedhead control, aerification, and general clean up are just a few of the things on everyone’s list.

As temperatures warm up, crews will be getting out and cleaning up any debris from winter weather. Followed, by breaking out the sharpened mowers to knock off winter growth and desiccated leaf tips.

Early Spring Prep

Monitor growing degree days to prepare for the first Primo-Proxy (Ethephon) application on greens. This first application will reduce poa seed head populations and increase turf density and health. Pre-Emergents such as Dimension and Barricade will also play a significant role in preventing spring and summer grassy and broadleaf weeds on the course. Application timing is critical for success.


Another agronomic practice performed on many golf courses is a nitrogen application to the in-play turf with an ammonium sulfate-based fertilizer in early spring.

Key Benefits

  • Provides non-temperature dependent nitrogen and sulfur sources to the turf
  • Speeds up spring green-up
  • Improves growth & turf health
  • Can delay the outbreak and symptoms of late spring diseases


Over many years university research and on-course trials have shown that an early spring fungicide application, after two or three mowings, can have multiple benefits for course turf. Combination fungicides with more than one mode of action will be most effective for this application:

Key Benefits

  • Controls active snow mold coming out of winter
  • Lowers pathogen populations of most diseases in the turf that begin to build as temperatures rise
  • With this application, preventative fungicide applications often can be delayed into late spring
  • Intervals between applications may be extended without symptoms appearing

Green Velvet has a wide range of specialty nutrient/soil health products designed to promote speedy growth and recovery from aeration stress and surface disruption in sprayable or granular forms. Plus a full line of turf and ornamental products. Contact your local branch or sales representative for options. We look forward to helping our customers enjoy a less stressful, prosperous 2021 season.